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BluePrintReview #28: Challenge
summer 2011

it's only a matter of unlocking it: The Peppermint Bottle

a perpetual motion machine: The New York Novel

carrion of discarded selves: the thin model

all kinds of reasons why: Wednesday

like we done before: River Rising

a climbing up top: The Dare

all over again: Sixty-One

in & of itself: Balance

closer: Brass Urn

feel it: Imago

promises: Smoking

a turn: The Message

a rethinking: Soundtrack

team incident: I'm On a Boat

a question: In the Blink of an Eye

we're going too slow: Driving Lessons

understand: The house made of brambles

story: "But Be Honest, the Qur'an is a Piece of

a reflection: Civilization Ages Like My Dying Mother


authors & artists & their challenges:
Arlene Ang, Marcia Arrieta, Jenni B. Baker,
Alex Bernstein, Jessie Carty, Jeff Crouch,
Julia Davies (+1), Daniela Elza, Susan Ersinghaus,
Susan M. Gibb (+1),
Stephen Hastings-King (+1),
Rose Hunter
, Claire Ibarra,(+1), Ron Kostar,
Sherry O'Keefe, Kim McMechan (+1),
Jean Morris, Brigita Orel (+1), Ron Riekki,
bl pawelek (+1), Rouchswalwe, Ray Scanlon,
Nancy Scott, Michael J. Solender,
Steve Wing (+1), Mary Stone Dockery

editor: Dorothee Lang (life as a journey)


more issue pages upcoming, or/and visit:

blog challenges: this world / Moments / Fail

join a challenge: your personal best of 2010

process notes: the shape of challenge + a sub-theme


blueprint news: streets / best of / calls

+ a blueprint of a newspaper


language/place blog carnival:
current edition: Streets, Signs, Directions
call for edition #11: Food
submissions for blueprint are closed


© All individual copyrights
are retained by the respective authors and artists


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.BluePrintReview - issue 28 - Challenge