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Connect with this, the crow-flies line.
Close your eyes. Feel it. Know how
much stronger it is than those facts
of mere distance. Over: Gringo Gulch

and the cobblestone streets
honeycomb to the beach
airborne now past Punta Mita,
over oil palm liana monkey
vine cascade limbo gumbo
termite land crab fire ant

cattle grid, banana, coconut
bougainvillea huanacaxtle
teak sentry at the gate: crash -

landing, and he is
by the lobster claw and me is
crawled back in my chrysalis dress
already; all tulle-ed up (his words)
hemolymph and green

our blood, our bone.


words: Rose Hunter, Mexico (YB / Fotos del Dia)
image: 'I'm not myself' - Julia Davies, Germany (practice makes perfect)


another crow-flies line: Make-Believe (#27)


. .BluePrintReview - issue 28 - Challenge