issue 23 additions
re: (dis)comfort zones
this page is a space for related links and thoughts and extras that came up during the editing phase of the (dis)comfort issue, and during/after the issue went live.
1) re: blogged
2) (dis)comforting art
3) contributor blog roll
4) first feedback
5) further (dis)comfort reads
1) re: blogged
blog feedback to the (dis)comfort issue - links and some quotes, for the full blog entries, visit the pages:

tasting rhubarb - (dis)comfort zones
"Not unfitting, but very cheering, that as I languished in the very uncomfortable zone of my bed this week, sick with a quite horrendous virus one of my November daily photos was republished in this latest issue of the online Blueprint Review, alongside an unsettling short story which I love, featuring coffee and London, but set in some other site of urban disquiet.
This small and perfectly formed publication is a pin-sharp patchwork of pieces from all over the place, put together in ways that are clever, allusive and full of strange and unexpected clarities."
- Jean Morris

OWG - Blue Print Review: Call for Submissions & Other Goodness
"For the newest edition of her stellar journal—Issue #23, (dis)comfort zones—she decided to try something a little different, and she's been releasing the content in increments, giving readers who follow along a special treat by allowing them to be a part of the great unfurling. Each text is accompanied by original images and, on occasion, additional insights on particular texts provided by the author. The overall effect is a kind of tranquil vibrancy. But it moves. As an exploration. And it's pretty damn cool."
- Mel Bosworth

The BluePrintReview
"It's always fun to read the BluePrintReview - Dorothee constructs a far-reaching array of links so you never know where you'll end up....
The pic: from the Sergio Bustamante gallery in Tlaquepaque - my contribution to what I perceive as a discomfort zone I think, rather than a (dis)comfort one, and also a shout out to a friend who likes hanging things upside down."
- Rose Hunter

Living ?s - The Bow: BPR#23
"My photo of The Bow appears in BluePrintReview, where founding editor Dorothee Lang seeks “unexpected connections between texts and images from unrelated places.” In Issue 23: (dis)comfort zones, she couples the photo with a Georgian author's words on (addict)ion — Jennifer Jackson Whitley's tale of desire and cautionary, yet reckless, compulsion."
- Karyn Eisler
2) (dis)comforting art

while working on the issue, i came across an art installation and a photography website that both focus on the feeling of discomfort, here the links (note: both pages are a bit disturbing, by nature).
Miroslaw Balka's 'How It Is' ,
Miroslaw Balka's black hole at Tate Modern is terrifying, awe-inspiring and throught-provoking. It embraces you with a velvet chill. The Guardian
Tate Modern / Unilever Series
Brooke Shaden's blog
extract what you will, the image still remains
3) contributor blog roll

new in the blueprintreview-blog: a contributor blog roll. so far, the blogroll includes contributors from issues 23, 22, 21, 20. here the blog link: blueprintreview blog. scroll down for the blogroll.
surprise discovery: even though the issues are rather balanced from gender, there are significantly more blogs that belong to female authors / artists. (9 'male' vs. 26 'female' blogs). why is that? i don't know. (any ideas anyone? - then leave a comment here.)
4) first feedback

blueprintreview is fantastic! - Finnegan Flawnt
I'm still reading BluePrint. Great cover shot this issue (they always are good anyway). Keep them coming...Maurice@CSR
My first reaction to the new issue was of missing the geometry of the table of contents page and feeling an emptiness where the rest of the issue would have been. It was waiting when I didn't have to wait before. It was like missing a stair - you lurch there off balance and disoriented.
But then my second reaction is that these pieces are very good, that there is a connection to be considered, and this format gives them space, not on the page, but in time itself. So give it a chance, I decided. I think it will be good.- Steve Wing
congrats on the release of issue #23 and also congrats on the brilliant idea to break it up like that. truly, BRILLIANT idea, so much so that i had to write "brilliant" in all caps just then. - Mel Bosworth
the new issue!
installment #1:
i like the slow reveal ... i was able to focus on each piece with the time i had in the morning, without feeling rushed, or like i was missing something because i was in a rush. and i've returned to the two pieces in the first installment more that once.
and on the homepage, the hint of more to come with the faded lettering of upcoming pieces is so effective in getting at the idea.
and the colours, and the new pages,
i like it all very much! - Karyn Eisler
cool issue! great idea/concept. it really keeps the format alive. - Michael K. White
The issue looks great! I like the fade off, of more to come.... Like your new look blog as well - Rose Hunter I must say, the Blue Print Review is shaping up beautifully. It's well worth waiting for because you put such time and creative energy into it and it shows. - Susan Gibb
5) further (dis)comfort reads
previously published stories and poems from the long-list of marked submissions + web finds

"They were our secret
the pictures I took of you.."
a River Walk Journal poem by Alan Girling
"When I actually got my own room I always kept the door closed..."
a Jersey Devil Press story by Meg Tuite
8 Minutes in the Life of a Poet
"Two more.
Two more.."
a 100 poems in a day poem by Tim Clare
My Ave Museo
"Brace yourself, Olivia."
Lorna, the drama queen..
a ken*again story by Loretta Giacoletto
Thirteen Ways of Looking at my Latest Cold
"It begins when the baby turns away
while I try to wipe his nose..."
a Bable Fruit poem by Erika Dreifus
The Sower of Green Things
"Mother was at the dinning table in the sitting room of our old family house that afternoon when I arrived.."
a VerbSap story by Chigozie Obioma