issue #22 - re /visit /cycle /turn
about this issue
the concept for issue 22 of blueprintreview seemed simple: for once, only pre-published pieces. and the official theme, derived from the pre-published approach: 're /visit /cycle /turn'.
memoirs, i expected. abroad and home reflections. stories of recycled goods. the first submissions pointed at a slightly larger take, leading from "Antibodies" to "dying for answers" and to the quizzical question: "How to Describe Eternity". the following submissions, almost in answer, delivered an Insight, Fragments, and - The Birth of the Universe.
the reflections and abroad clues arrived, too, yet in a way i hadn't foreseen: a mail conversation about shut-down e-magazines induced a tour through archives, and brought lost magazines back to the web. and the longlist of marked submissions brought the idea to put a page with memorable further reads together, something that usually isn't possible.
another highlight of this issue: the artwork. some of the image titles almost form a poem -
Blue Radiant / Corridors
a new day / untitled
sequestered / rezonation
Dusk / A Wing We Saw
- and the images themselves are beyond words.
cover itself follows the theme, too, and is a recycled detail of the bpr #1 cover.
to sum it up: if this issue had a subtitle, it probably would be: "re/view re/joice re/collect".
here the direct link into the re/zone:
blueprintreview #22.
enjoy the retrospective ~
here some notes on the process,
and some additional content:
Aspects of Reprints & re: re /vel
~ ~
Beverly Akerman, Montreal/Canada (webpage)
Rachel Barenblat, New England (Velveteen Rabbi)
Emily Brandt, NY (examiner-blog)
Isabelle Carbonell (Izaca)
Michael Caylo-Baradi, California (interval interventions)
Todd Chilton, Chicago/Illinois (homepage)
J.T. Clark, New York (Black Lab Book)
Jeff Crouch, Texas (more)
Carrie Crow, New York (baron & crow)
Eileen Donovan-Kranz, Massachusetts (website)
Elle Driscoll, Australia (captured)
Daniela Elza (Strange Places)
Matthew Gattie, Canada
Shanna Germain, UK (homepage)
Ann Howells, Texas
Daniel Hudon, Boston (about)
Patricia La Barbera, Florida (homepage)
Tammy Ho Lai-Ming, Hongkong (sighming)
W. F. Lantry, Washington (homepage)
Jason M. Jones, Philadelphia
John Metcalf, California (gallerysisyphus)
Swati Nair, India (birdysworld)
Eric Prochaska, US (blog)
Laura Riggs, California (e-maill)
Peter Schwartz, Maine (Sitrah Ahra)
Lynne Shapiro, New York (more & more)
Mark Stringer, UK/HongKong
Randy Thurman, Tennessee (ThurmanArt)
Pat Tompkins, California
Kevin Vickery, New Jersey
M. Kathleen Walworth, Ohio
Michael K. White, Colorado (stories)
Steve Wing, Florida (more)

BluePrintReview News
the latest news and notes about blueprintreview
(contributors elsewhere, issue in progress, etc.):
BluePrintReview notes & tidbits
++ more words and images ++
of the blueprint kind
can be found
in the archive
or in just a moment
also check out the contributor book page:
currently reading & recently published
upcoming issue:
issue 23: (dis)comfort zones
the issue is planned for late January '10
thanks to all who submitted.
are currently closed

blueprintreview editor
Dorothee Lang, Germany - blueprint21 / blog /
+ blueprintreview notes & tidbits
the 4 concepts of this e-zine
1) texts and images are from unrelated places
2) there is no given theme - each issue develops its own theme through submissions
3) there is no deadline or timetable - an issue goes online when it feels complete
4) all rules can be broken
Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller externer Links auf dieser Website. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf der "BluePrintReview"- Homepage angebrachten weiterführenden inks, und umfasst auch das zugehörige Blog "just a moment"