Michael K. White
My Apartment - a micro novel
My Apartment is the epic history of a certain apartment (#9) and a selection of episodes from the wide spectrum of tenants there. Told in a surreal, non linear series of short chapters, My Apartment is a ghost book; a phantom memoir.
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My Apartment is offered as signed + hand made copy in limited edition for 7$ (shipping included).
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The Republic of Love
by Nora Nadjarian - a micro novel
In flashbacks and dream-like sequences, parts of a woman's life unravel before us, but we are never certain what is real and what is not in The Republic of Love.
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The Republic of Love is offered as signed + hand made copy in limited edition for 7$ (shipping included).
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Dorothee Lang
'in transit' -
story collection
"It was a road trip that finally let me get this book together - while driving, I thought of past journeys and places. About the people I had met somewhere out there. About the transit-story-collection I once had started. Back home, the journey continued. I retrieved the file. It was my departure point. I added new texts. Shifted. Turned. Moved. Until the mosaic of stories and poems and maps clicked into place. Friends asked me: "Aren't you travelling again?" - "I am," I answered. And in a way, it is only paper. In another way, in transit is a road trip in connecting pages.
- Dorothee
book link: in transit