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Remembering South Bronx Sounds

In Bronxtime, louder than the flat, thin thwock

of a pinkie or spaldeen or sharp pock

from a true black handball slamming the wall

in St Mary’s, the crack of hard wood ball

on hard wood ball pealed from the long gravel

court next door. To those lanes would men travel

from all the South Bronx for the best bocce

games. At each match – Mister Marinacci

and Pencil Moustache and the Big Pigeon

Man; for them, others this was religion

and attendance required. The target toss,

to begin the game, leaves me at a loss -

I recall no pallino making that high ping

hitting black sand; it was an aluminum ring.


words: J.T. Clark, New York (Black Lab Book / The Joy of Lex)
original publication: Remembering South Bronx Sounds / Xelas Magazine

image: Jeff Crouch, Texas (more)
original publication: geometric slush fund / the new post-literate


the sound of another place: ristretto / carlisle (#21)


BluePrintReview - issue 22 - re /visit /cycle /turn