


new stories, new issues, new themes,
new links, new news


Avatar, Diagram, Hobart, etc.
lots of new online issues -
here a selection:
Avatar Review - Issue 11
Hobart - July '09
qarrtsiluni - 'economy issue'
mud luscious - issue 8
YB - issue 1
- May '09
Diagram 9.3
memorious - issue 12


Willows Wept Review
3 pieces from blueprintreview contributors are up in Willows Wept Review, the journal that explores, celebrates, and/or problematizes the relationship between human beings and the natural world.
"nostrum" - Peter Schwartz
"Noah's Lost Elephants" - Gregory Tague
"In Love With a Ghost" - J.A. Tyler


Snail / V. Ulea
exciting book news from blueprintreview contributor V. Ulea: her book "Snail" is out now. "Snail is journey of life, introspection, and familial connectitude. Its seven interconnected stories are bonded by mood, plot, a single set of characters, and heart felt emotion"
here is more
: Snail by V. Ulea


calls for submissions:

Halfway down the Stairs - theme: "Lost & Found" - deadline: 01. August

Shine Anthology - theme: "Optimistis near-future SF" - deadline: 01. August

Defenestration - theme: "humorous fantasy" - deadline: 05. August / and theme: "humorous science fiction" - deadline: 20. October

miniwords - theme: "50 word ministory competition" - deadline: 10. August

etchings - theme: "love and something" - deadline: 15. August


Conjunctions - "Betwixt the Between"

Conjunctions 52 is now available in print.
and the next issue "Hybrid Histories" is already in the making. here the links:
Conjunctions - Betwixt the Between
Conjunctions - previews of "Hybrid Histories"



BluePrintReview -
issue 21 - shortcuts / detours