blueprintreview #10 - time pause change
this time, the bluerprintreview arrives with a streaming flock of words carried by a gliding flock of birds: unplanned, this is the largest issue of the review so far, reaching from a list of things everyone desires to a whenever, from a time abroad to a sanctioned world, from a regardless change to a drifting white metamorphosis.
more than those before, this issue carries the change of seasons: the first pages of it took shape last year, and now, with February arriving, the last pages settled into this issue that eventually found its theme in time, in the way life pauses and changes.
here the link into the blue: blueprintreview #10
enjoy the rhythm of the lines and pages~
L. Ward Abel, Georgia - universecanoe
Marcia Arrieta, California - indefinite space
Anne-Katrin Barth, Germany
Anne Cammon, New York - more
Jeff Crouch, Texas - more
Helen Ellis, Australia
Inge Flessa-Glauner, Germany - touch the blue
Ed Higgins, Oregon - poetry page
Jónas Knútsson, Iceland
Margot Miller, Maryland - Margot Miller
Maurice Oliver, Oregon - CS Review
Christina Rosalie, Webland - my topograpy
Davide Trame, Italy
Steve Wing, Florida - sand shadow
Diana J. Wynne, California - The Daily Interface
Lisa Zaran, Arizona - lisazaran
Dorothee Lang, Germany - oil on copper
words and pictures
from the contributors and the editor
can be found online in just
a moment
and printed in the book shelf
to submit
send moments and moods
in poetry or prose or picture
to: doro21 AT gmail DOT com
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