This is the online version of the current BluePrintReview newsletter

BluePrintReview will turn 30 soon!

To celebrate this event, and in response to all the books of contributors and fellow authors that are launching, this anniversary issue will be all about writing, reading and reviewing, see the call for #30 below.

Connected to that, there is a new online initiative for authors and bloggers: Review Forward.

And for some quieter moments, there is the new edition of language & place with Places of Inspiration.

Details for all this, below - see you on the re:side ~~

(editor BluePrintReview)

Call for BluePrintReview #30: "Re:view"

The next issue of BlueprintReview will be dedicated to reviews, especially to reviews of small press and self published books. Another focus point will be the theme of reviewing / reading / writing in general. Let's re:view!

Please note the slightly wildly different submission guidelines

Review Forward

Review Forward is a new online initiative for indie authors, for self published authors and for book bloggers.

This initiative is connected to the Re:view issue, but the idea really is to create an ongoing review network that supports all who join: Review Forward


"What place inspires you? What does it say? How do you listen there?"

That's the question Alaskan poet & writer Vivian Faith Prescott posed in her call. Collecting the answers, Vivian shaped the new edition into a beautiful virtual journey: enjoy the Places of Inspiration

The BluePrint Book Blog

Now up in the blueprint book blog: links to new issues, interviews, reviews, collections... some suggestions:

- MiCrow 7 - Home - edited by Michael Solender
- The Art of the Book Review - interviews by Karen Lillis
- Screen Reading - reviews of online literary magazines
- 99 Books That Capture the Spirit of Africa - a guide

More BluePrintReview news
: facebook / twitter / blog

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